You can subscribe using through Vodafone by following the below steps:
Open from any browser.
Create an account by entering your email address and creating a password.
Choose Telecom Operators Plans and choose Vodafone.
Choose an appropriate plan.
Enter Phone number and enter verification code.
Subscription Fees:
Bundle | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Price | 3 L.E | 15 L.E | 50 L.E |
*The subscription is being renewed automatically.
You can cancel your subscription, please send one of the following codes based on your bundle to 7785:
Daily bundle: STOP 11
Weekly bundle: STOP 12
Monthly bundle: STOP 13
You'll receive a cancellation confirmation message. The service will remain active with you until the end of the bundle and will not be renewed again.
You can activate your free subscription through Ana Vodafone by following the steps in the video below.